Jennifer Nicole Lee Walking Your Way To Fitness Faster And Easier

•February 20, 2009 • Leave a Comment

From as long as one can remember, we have been hearing that exercise is what is needed to stay healthy and fit. But staying fit can be as simple as walking. We have a busy schedule nowadays and walking is almost impossible for us. We spent the whole day sitting in one chair and going to bed directly at night. Have you ever wondered how many steps you take every day? Ever heard of the term 10,000 steps?

10,000 steps refers to the number of steps that an average person should take per day to stay fit and healthy. This is just an average so for you, you can start with 1000 steps per day and then increase the number of steps daily. So what you need to do to ensure that you walk at least 1000 steps per day. Given below is a list of items or things that you should take care of when preparing to take those 1000 steps:

1. The first important item is shoes. You should have a good pair of jogging shoes that should fit perfectly especially at the heel. They should also provide support to the arch and ensures that foot should expand smoothly. You can walk around your neighborhood or in a nearby park. You can also head out with few buddies.

2. When you are walking, walk with your arms hanging loosely at your sides. Move them naturally as you walk along. Make sure that you do not let me come in front of your body as this can cause injury. Also keep your eyes and head as this is the right posture.

3. If you feel like doing a heavier workout, ensure that you maintain the correct posture and walk fast but with short strides. 4. Drink extra water to avoid dehydration.

5. You should dress according to the weather as proper clothing ensures that the right body temperature is maintained. This is important especially when you are carrying out an exercise program outdoor.

6. Do not fatigue your muscles. When you start a walking routine, you should initially go with1000 steps and then gradually increase the number of steps.

7. When you start walking your muscles will feel tired, sore muscles and cramps so take a day or two off but don’t make it a habit.

8. Before and after walking make sure to stretch as stretching release stress and makes muscles feel relaxed.

jennifer nicole lee

lose weight


Finding the perfect P90X takes time and effort. The P90X workout is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The Tony Horton’s 10 Minute Trainer is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

jennifer nicole lee: fitness

jennifer nicole lee: fitness

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